Listen, we're the first to admit it can be difficult thinking of a birthday gift with that personal touch for the birthday boy in your life. Let's say your boyfriend is the guy who's got everything. What the heck do you give a guy like that? Or maybe you've just been together for so long, you've run out of birthday ideas for him. Or maybe your boyfriend is more of the type of guy to love his friends from afar (of the the "lets hang out soon" "sure, how about next year?" variety). He's just a homebody, and would rather hang out at his favourite place: the couch.
Whatever the reason may be, a personalized birthday video gift for your person will feel special in a way that a big birthday party might not ever accomplish, with memories he's never forget. Happy birthday videos come in all shapes and sizes, and you can do them in any number of ways. You can make a cinematic masterpiece to show on a big screen with background music and animation, or you can do a simple birthday slideshow with photos from birthdays past that he can watch whenever he wants. You can use our video maker (which already has a few video template options) for an extra easy birthday video process, or you can DIY it — whatever you decide to do, we're here to give you some birthday video ideas he'll never forget.
Birthday Video Gift Ideas
Stroll Down Memory Lane
What kind of birthday video would be complete without sharing some memories of the birthday boy? You can do this in many ways — you can create a video montage with pictures from when you were younger, or by telling stories of fun memories of the two of you off to explore the world (or just a quick visit to the bar). You can upload some old video clips and images from an awesome party you went to. You can edit together some birthday flashback photos. You can even include a picture of your dog with a happy birthday sign, if you want! Toss on some witty captions and now you've got a celebration! Using our Classic birthday template you can make this super easy, but as long as you create the video with love and you celebrate together, he's sure to feel special on his birthday. (We'll give you more info about this style of birthday video at the bottom)

Involve Friends and Family
Another fun idea is to reach out to loved ones to contribute to the birthday video! Is he close with his mom? How about the rest of his family? Does he have a lot of friends? Involve them in the birthday video by getting some birthday wishes to compile into a video montage! You probably have some awesome memories with your boyfriend, but you know who has the best and most embarrassing ones? That's right: his family. The family (especially his mom) are Holy Grail of old videos, pictures/photos, music maybe that he used to be into, etc. They also probably have amazing stories from his youth that they're tell in the video clips — maybe some stories you haven't heard yet? It's guaranteed to be a fun way to celebrate his birthday with relatives from afar. (We'll give you more info about this style of birthday video at the bottom)
Answer Questions About your Favourite Guy
With our Q&A Video Maker tool, you can have people (or just yourself!) answer questions about the birthday boy. With this video maker, you can send a link to friends and family, and then they can record a video (for free!) on their computer or phone. They can view the clip they recorded, save it, re-record it if they aren't happy with it, or just upload it and move on to the next question! It's all easily done in-app so you don't have to worry about anything other than baking a cake and cueing up the video to watch! Some birthday video ideas for questions:
How would you describe the birthday boy in one word?
What's your favourite memory with him?
What's your favourite fun adventure you've taken together?
What's the best birthday party they've had in the past?
What do you call him — any nicknames or terms of endearment, or does he have one for you?

How long have you known him/how did you meet?
What's your earliest memory with him where you knew he would be important to you?
If you knew he was going to drop by and visit tomorrow, what would your ideal day spent together look like?
What's one message you have for him on his birthday?
These are just a few ideas for a Q&A birthday video, but it certainly isn't all of them! You can personalize to your hearts content to create a Q&A video you know he'll love. (We'll give you more info about this style of birthday video at the bottom)
Have a Birthday Party...with a Video Guest Book as a gift!
Ok, so maybe your boyfriend is more social than the average bear. Sometimes birthday wishes need to be given in person! Is this a big birthday for him, maybe a milestone 20th, 25th, or 30th birthday? If you had your heart set on a birthday video gift but you know he really wants a big birthday party — never fear! We have the solution for that too. With our Video Guest Book app templates, you can design a beautiful poster to have at the party with a QR code on it. His friends and family at the birthday party can scan the QR code and record him some birthday wishes! Pro tip: Remind everyone to do their birthday video clip after a couple of glasses of wine or beer. It'll be a fun and unique present for him, and a hilarious video the two of you to sit back and watch as many times as you want.
All we'll say is, we hope you put that glorious video on youtube for your boyfriend and his family to love and appreciate forever.
Check out all three of our Video Gift Templates (Classic, Q&A and Video Guestbook) over on!