Celebrate.buzz — The Tribute Alternative for Creating a Surprise Group Video Gift
When selecting a group video maker, there are a lot of things to consider that may not be obvious at first glance. This table will help you compare Celebrate.buzz to Tribute, one of the online alternatives (this table is current as of Dec 29, 2021).
Our Mission
At Celebrate.buzz, our mission is to make it incredibly easy for anyone with any level of technical skill to easily create a fantastic group video gift.
- We provide just the tools most people need 95% of the time, and we make those tools incredibly easy to use. A professional result without all the complex bells and whistles of a full stack video editor!
- We also created more than just a drag and drop tool — you can easily add extra pizzazz, like GIFs, pictures, and your choice of music from our library or upload your own favourite tunes.
- We guide you, step by step, through the process from A to Z. From creating an invitation through to sharing the amazing gift with your loved one, we’ve made the whole process easy and intuitive for all!
See how Celebrate.buzz compares with
View video preview
Full preview
Full preview
Drag and drop to reorder
Card library
Stock music
Your own music
Create invitation
Include video as part of your invitation
Q&A style videos
Supercharge your gift with our unique Q&A style group video. Take it to the next level.
Mobile web
Mac Safari
Add text to video clips
Change duration (for pictures)
Balance all video clip volumes automatically (friends often record at different levels)
Option to adjust Video Clip volume manually
Adjust music volume
0-100 by clip
Global only. on/off for single clips
Automatic cross fade
Selectable from a variety
Trim video clips
1 for $29.99
3 for $19.99 each
3 for $19.99 each
(free unlimited reprocessing)
$29.00 each
(No reprocessing once you’ve done it the first time - a problem for late contributions)